These two massive companies have made a deal where they will both share their patents licesing until 2024. This contract is similar to the one signed by Google and Samsung for the last 10 years. They have been working together to improve the mobile software and now they have decided it would be better to join their efforts. The agreement will protect both from lawsuits that involve each others’ patents, leaving them free to work on their products and technologies, most likely ones surrounding Android and smart devices, without fear of litigation.
Is this a good thing for the industry? Should more companies copy this behavior? This is an important question because patent litigation is a big issue especially between big companies. The fact that these two big companies have decided to work together instead of fight with each other for their hardware innovations is a huge leap forward that will be very helpful for consumers. We can expect great events in the mobile phone field in the next 10 years.
Due to all the patent troll companies scavenging all the loose fawns they can find this is a good solution to many headaches involved in the patenting field and the software industry. If there were more companies acting like this maybe the result would be pleasing for everyone as well as profitable. The only problem here is that both companies signing the contract must have similar technological power so that they both work equally and that is the hardest thing to get.
In conclusion, everyone is happy with this deal and it has certainly given us hope and joy for our next 10 years future phone plans.
Irean Navas